Page 8 - 110 George Street
P. 8

Tram Stop

          EH2 4LH

                                             Lease Terms                        Legal Costs

                                             The accommodation is available to let  Each party will be responsible for their own
                                             on Full Repairing and Insuring terms for   legal cost incurred in any transaction with
                                             a period agreed. Further information  the ingoing tenant being responsible for the
                                             is available from the sole letting agents.
                                                                                payments of Land & Buildings Transaction
                                             Rateable Value                     Tax, Registration Dues and
                                                                                VAT incurred thereon.
                                             The rateable value will require to be assessed
                                             upon completion of refurbishment works.   EPC
                                             Information on the current rates payable is
                                             available from the sole letting agents.  The property has an EPC rating of D.

         A Development By

          For further information please contact:
          Howard Crawshaw
     Alastair Stang                     Hannah Done
          01224 208 820            
          James Barrack                      0131 243 2220                      0131 243 2209

          01224 208 820                      JLL on their own behalf and for vendors or lessors of this property, whose agents they are, give notice that: 1/ The particulars are produced in good
                                             faith, but are a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract. 2/ No person in the employment of the agent(s) has any authority
                                             to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to this property. 3/ The property is offered subject to contract and unless
                                             otherwise stated all rents are quoted exclusive of VAT. 4/ Nothing in these particulars should be deemed a statement that the property is in good
                                             condition, or that any services or facilities are in working order. 5/ Unless otherwise stated, no investigations have been made regarding pollution, or       potential land, air or water contamination. Interested parties are advised to carry out their own investigations if required.
                                             Publication date: November 2015
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